
Alex is a Nomad at heart

Alex (he/them) was born in a small town in eastern Iowa in late November of 1986. He knew from a young age that he wanted two things from life: to tell stories*, and to see everything he could possibly see. From 16 on, he has bounced all around the world in various capacities, from Hawaii to Iceland and—his soul home—Scotland. Nothing inspires him more than a new horizon, and the stories he’s learned and lived have inspired many of his works.

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Before he became a full-time writer, he worked as a professional circus artist in the States and Scotland. He toured and trained with the Aerial Angels (who were based in Kalamazoo, MI) and Aerial Edge in Glasgow. He was honored to teach at multiple circus events, including the Edinburgh Aerial and Acrobalance Convention. He also spent a summer volunteering with a roving circus village in Norway.

In terms of education, he began studying creative writing in high school at Interlochen Arts Academy and graduated in 2005. He then attended four (yes, four) colleges, including Colby, Marlboro, and University of Glasgow, before receiving his Bachelors Degree in visual arts from Bennington College in 2010. He received his Masters in Creative Writing from Glasgow University in Scotland in 2012.

He is the author of more than two dozen books for children and adults, including the international bestseller THE IMMORTAL CIRCUS, which was optioned for TV, and the breakout middle grade chiller THE COLLECTOR. As a gay man, Alex’s goal is to continually expand LGBTQ+ rep in children’s fiction, which began in earnest with his award-winning teen series the RUNEBINDER CHRONICLES and the creepy chiller THE FEAR ZONE.

Every reader should be able to see themselves as a hero.

Merlin is no longer this small, but he is still this adorable.

He strongly believes in giving back, both to local and global communities. Over the years, he has donated to multiple organizations, including LGBTQ youth centers, Planned Parenthood, Real Rent Duwamish, and Ecologi.

A deep lover of games, he has also worked as a Narrative Designer for Warner Bros Games, and as a localization editor at Nintendo.

When not writing books, he also works on various screenplays that he hopes will one day premier on the big (or little!) screen.

Alex currently resides in Seattle with his goofy husband Carleton and their anxious doggo Merlin.

He is represented by Brent Taylor of Triada Literary US.

For a more extensive bio (especially handy for school projects!) you can click here.



For all business enquiries, you may contact me here. Please do not send fanmail to this email address—it is only for business enquiries.

Also note that due to the dangerous political climate for queer persons and authors such as myself, I am no longer doing school visits. If you’d like me to come to your school, please vote for candidates who support free speech and the protections of LGBTQ+ folks.

Although I love hearing from fans, I am currently traveling and unable to respond to fanmail. I will update this site when/if that changes. <3

*Throughout his life, he has also wanted to be a silversmith, the next Kenny G, a contortionist, an Egyptologist, and a dozen other things. Needless to say, he likes exploring new hobbies. For an example of his earliest writing, check out his FAQs