Short Stories


“Psychopomps are born, not made.”

Eleven-year-old Edgar Wight was born into a formidable family of psychopomps—those who lead souls to the afterlife, or the “Other.” In a world wracked by a cureless plague, their skills help keep the balance between life and death. The only problem is, Edgar is the first in his line born without the ability—and his father has recently contracted the agonizing disease. With the day fast approaching when the rest of the family will escort Mr. Wight to the other side, Edgar fears he won’t be able to participate. Then the guardian of the Other appears and catapults Edgar into a mystical realm that is eerily familiar yet utterly unknown. There, Edgar is faced with a choice: Will he follow his family’s path or realize what he once considered a downfall is really a gift?



In the snow-torn city of Sovelka, oil is the last resource keeping its inhabitants alive. But the oil comes with a price, and the demons raised from drilling deeper have brought the world to its knees.

It is up to a mute exorcist to fend off the evil that bleeds her town.
If she can face the shadows of her own broken past.